FloPrompter Smooths Out the Texas County Line

We love hearing stories about how our customers are using FloPrompter!

David Stallings, president of Texas County Line Productions, wrote us recently with some very kind words:

“Just a note to let you know that we think that Floprompter is fantastic! We recently began producing a weekly Country Music television show and have tried several prompter programs.  Because we like to include bio information on the artists we feature, it is essential that we use fairly extensive dialogue from the host of the show.  The other programs were not user-friendly, including the one which came with the prompter hardware we purchased.  Your product was easy to use and includes features which were not included on the others.  We purchased a presentation remote device at Staples and our show host is now able to control the scroll rate while actually speaking.  Yesterday, we filmed the host’s dialogue for 6 upcoming shows in only two hours without any major problems.  We downloaded your free trial version on Friday, spent only a short time learning how it works, used it yesterday at the shoot, and placed an order through Amazon this morning for the product.”

Thank you, David! We’re glad to hear that FloPrompter may help in some small way to make your video shoots smoother & easier. We’ve checked out a few episodes and they’re looking great!

We’re also delighted to hear that our product is being used by Emmy Award Nominated Actor Brad Maule. “General Hospital” was a <ahem> guilty pleasure of ours in the distant past…

How are you using FloPrompter? Please write and let us know!

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